(Photos) Tonto Dikeh celebrates son King Andre 7th birthday gift him plots of land

 Nollywood star Tonto Dikeh caused a stir online with the revelation of the birthday gift she gave her son, King Andre, on his 7th birthday. She took to her Instagram page on Friday to announce that she had gifted him 10 plots of land in Abuja, naming him after a 58-hectare estate.

In her post, Dikeh shared photos and expressed her dedication to ensuring her son's future success, despite the challenges she has faced. She wrote, "I may not be alive in 10 years, or 5 years or 3 years or 1 year or 6 months or 3 months or the next day. But for every day I live I will work to making your future a great one. Just like your name King, you’ll rule."

Dikeh continued, "Congratulations my son for becoming the newest owner of 10 plots of land at the #domak_group Domak Luxury Garden City, Abuja and having a court/estate of 58 hectares named after him (KingAndre Court) by the Chairman Domak Groups (DR. Amb Kingsley N Azonobi)."

She concluded by expressing her deep love for her son, saying, "My dearest son, my world, my life. I have suffered, cried, being messed up, betrayed just so you can be a better me, I have no doubt you will make me a proud woman, I love you dangerously."

King Andre, born on February 17, 2016, is Tonto Dikeh's son from her previous marriage to Prince Churchill Olakunle, a businessman and influencer. Although they are now separated, they share a commitment to their son's well-being and future.

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