Usually, when you register your business on SMEDAN, you will get a certificate. This certificate shows that your business is duly registered with the agency. Written on the certificate is a unique SMEDAN number.
In this article, I am going to explain in details how you can get your SMEDAN certificate, and for those that have already registered and have lost their certificate, how they can be retrieved or download a new one.
What is a SMEDAN Certificate?
A SMEDAN certificate is simply an electronic document issued by the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) that proves that your enterprise is registered with the agency. Each certificate has a unique SMEDAN number.
How to get a SMEDAN Certificate
To get a SMEDAN certificate, you will first have to register with the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN).
This can be done online at
after registration is complete, your SMEDAN certificate will be sent to your email address which you can then download in pdf format.
So in summary, to get your SMEDAN certificate
1. Visit the SMEDAN registration website at
2. Enter your personal and business details on the registration form.
- download your SMEDAN certificate.
Below is an example of what an SMEDAN certificate looks like

Sometimes though, a few business owners are unable to get their SMEDAN certificate while others may have lost or misplaced their certificate. I going to touch on all of these issues in the next paragraph.
How To Retrieve Your SMEDAN Certificate
If you have already registered with SMEDAN but you are unable to download your SMEDAN certificate, or perhaps you have simply lost your certificate, I am going to show you how easy it is to recover your certificate.
Now, when you register on SMEDAN, the certificate is usually sent to your email address with the email subject “thank you for registering your business”.
Included in this email is a link to download your certificate. In this case, all you have to do is to search for “SMEDAN” on your Email.
Look for one with the subject “thank you for registering your business” and just as I said earlier, included in this email will be a link to download your SMEDAN certificate.

USES Of SMEDAN Certificate
For one, almost all government programs that involve SMEs now require business owners to provide some kind of business registration certificate, in most cases, a SMEDAN certificate may be required as a substitute for businesses not registered with the CAC.
if you are wondering what exactly is the purpose of a SMEDAN certificate, below are a few of the things a SMEDAN certificate can be used for. They include
- Access To Loan & Grants
- Mentoring and entrepreneurship training
- formalization of business
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